The Neighbourhood

Whichever part of the world you come from and however remote, you will find a compatriot here.

Hackney is undergoing a period of massive economic growth, particularly in the technology, digital and creative sectors.

London is an international centre for the arts and creativity with East London acknowledged as a focus for creativity. Hackney is a major provider of the ‘cultural offer’ in East London through our concentration of practicing artists, major cultural venues and creative industries. Part of our remit as a local authority is to ensure that Hackney remains the creative heart of East London and that our practitioners and organisations are best placed to take advantage of any emerging opportunities.

Creative Hackney: a cultural policy framework, London Borough of Hackney

Hackney has one of the most vibrant cultural economies in London.

The Shoreditch and Hoxton areas have been dubbed the UK's ‘Silicon Valley’ with huge expansions in the tech industries, leading to the Government setting up the Tech City Investment Organisation to encourage further growth in the region. 

Destination Hackney

Hackney has its own festival with a procession around several of its market areas.

The people also have a sense of humour.

Street art is highly visible around Hackney but one motif will stand out; the Stik people. Stik himself is known around the world and his people, soulful, drunk, playful, sad can be found by chance. Stik is a luminary of these parts and on several occasions has contributed his time and creative energy to assist the hospital. Below two Stik people hide behind some flats above a shop.

The area we serve is old and new, elegant and unkempt, thrusting and peaceful but whichever country you call home it is likely you will find a fellow countryman. This is a great place to be.

Hackney markets

There are many markets in the area; these are some
  • Hoxton Street Market
  • Broadway market
  • Chatsworth Rd
  • Hackney Flea market
  • Ridley Rd market
  • A lot more can be learned by visiting Hackney Council's website